Thursday, March 6, 2025

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C2 - Commander
The Clan Commander is the Clan Leader they're responsible for all clan members.

C1 - Lieutenant Commander
Appointed by the Commander. The Lt. Commander is the Executive officer to the Commander.

O10 - General
Promoted by Lt. Commanders and up. Generals are in command of all forces in entire games. In larger games Generals may have lower ranking Generals commanding forces on different platforms or may have Generals commanding forces in different Divisions in game. Generals report to the Co-Commander.

O9 - Lieutenant General
Promoted by General or Higher. Lieutenant Generals are in command of all forces on a particular platform. Lieutenant Generals may have lower ranking Generals running Divisions in game such as PvP and PvE Generals. Lieutenant Generals report to the Game General.

O8 - Major General
Promoted by General or Higher. Major Generals Generals will command all forces in a particular Division of a game such as PvE or PvP Division. They may have lower ranking Generals running Regions below them. Major Generals report to Lieutenant General or to the Game General.

O7 - Brigadier General
Promoted by Lieutenant General or Higher. Brigadier Generals will command all forces in a region of a game. They will coordinate officers below them into a hierarchy and organize their troops into squads and appoint ranks accordingly. Major Generals report to their respective Major General, Lieutenant General, or to the Game General.

O6 - Colonel
Promoted by Brigadier General or Higher. Colonels will serve as Executive Officers for a General or may command troops in a region of a game. Colonels may command larger squads and will be responsible for organizing their troops into squads and appointing ranks accordingly. Colonels report to their Commanding General or to the Game General or to the Lieutenant Commander.

O5 - Lieutenant Colonel
Promoted by Colonel or Higher. Lieutenant Colonels will serve as Executive Officers for a Colonel or may run a branch of a larger squad or they may command a group or outpost under a regional Colonel or Brigadier General. Lieutenant Colonels report to Colonels or to the Regional General or to the Game General.

O4 - Major
Promoted by Colonel or Higher. Will serve as Executive Officers for Lt. Colonels or will Command a branch of a Division. Majors may run a large command post or be responsible for a group of troops posted throughout a game such as recruitment. Majors will also coordinate large squads or teams for game tournaments.

O3 - Captain
Promoted by Colonel or Higher. The commanders of our clans "Feet on the ground." Captains will run squads tasked with a specific purpose. Captains will recruit squad members from the enlisted troops and train them in specific tasks. Captains will be responsible for promotions and discipline of their troops and will work with command to fill the ranks.

O2 - 1st Lieutenant
Promoted by Captain or Higher. Lieutenants will serve as Executive officers for Captains and Majors or they will run branches of a squad or will be responsible for a team or battle group. Lieutenants will aid in the training of the enlisted troops below them.

O1 - 2nd Lieutenant
Promoted by Captain or Higher.

Warrant Officers
W5 - Chief Warrant Officer
Promoted by Colonel or higher. Warrant Officers are highly specialized expert and trainers in their field.

W4 - Chief Warrant Officer
Promoted by Lt. Colonel or higher. Warrant Officers are highly specialized expert and trainers in their field.

W3 - Chief Warrant Officer
Promoted by Major or higher. Warrant Officers are highly specialized expert and trainers in their field.

W2 - Warrant Officer
Promoted by 2nd Lieutanent or Higher.

W1 - Warrant Officer
Promoted by 2nd Lieutanent or Higher.

E9 - Sergeant Major
Promoted by 1st Lieutenant or Higher

E8 - Master Sergeant
Promoted by 2nd Lieutenant or Higher.

E7 - Gunnery Sergeant
180 days in the clan.

E6 - Sergeant First Class
90 days in the clan.

E5 - Staff Sergeant
60 days in the clan.

E4 - Sergeant
30 days in the clan.

E3 - Corporal
14 days in clan.

E2 - Private First Class
7 days in clan.

E1 - Private
3 days in clan.

E0 - Recruit
Starting Rank

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